Sunday, October 31, 2010

Demo Set

Demo Set _ James J. Lee

After reflecting back on my house as thesis project, there were a number of items that need to be changed and improved both in visual presentation and contents.

First, instead of proposing the complete sustainable design development of housing, concentrating on a specific subject or area that related with my architectural interests may result in producing more successful project. Due to this conventional design approach, some of drawings ended up being not exciting. For instance, exploring different ways of designing housing façade and how that skin system is being adapted to different climate conditions would contribute to more interesting architectural discussion. I introduced too many different systems or subjects that sometimes were not relevant to my thesis interest.
Secondly, thinking about the placement housing furniture eventually resulted in limiting potential possibility of house as thesis. It framed viewers or participants into a certain direction and eliminated some of my design intentions. Researching more on my core interest would serve my housing project better in addressing more interesting discourse.
Lastly, presenting more complete proposed site analysis such as topographic studies and historical background would set up good start for the whole presentation. Also my verbal presentation was not well prepared and organized, and it failed to deliver clear ideas about my project.

This project house as thesis was successful presenting cohesive graphic representation; however, its contents should be more carefully studied and designed based on my thesis interest. Some of the subjects in the presentation hindered my project intentions.

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